Climate Resiliency Fund
In 2021 and 2022, Oregon saw significantly more acres of trees burned each year than in the previous ten years. These wildfires are devastating to our public lands and impact the state’s forests for years to come.
Oregon Parks Forever established a wildfire replanting fund in September of 2020 to provide funds for tree planting in areas affected by wildfires. In 2023, we were able to fund the replanting of over 804,000 trees at Collier State Park, Silver Falls State Park, Ben & Kay Dorris State Recreation Area, North Santiam State Recreation Area, the Tillamook State Forest, as well as other local parks in Marion and Josephine counties.
The success of this effort has encouraged us to get ahead of wildfires, drought, insect invasions and heat domes by creating a Climate Resiliency Fund that will allow us to act quickly when a need arises.
Our goal is to help ensure future generations can enjoy the green and lush forests we have been able to enjoy, and encourage the recovery of the ecosystem impacted by the fires. drought, insects and unusual heating. Trees provide the very necessities of life. They clear our air, protect our drinking water, create healthy communities and feed our souls. Our forests provide critical wildlife habitat, natural beauty and recreational opportunities. They sequester carbon, and help reduce soil erosion by stabilizing slopes and preventing landslides.
Oregon Parks Forever is working with State, Federal, and local agencies who manage public lands and parks in Oregon to provide funding for seeds and seedlings. The reforestation process is ongoing and takes time in order to ensure that enough seedlings are available for planting, and that trees planted are able to survive and grow.
Donate to the Climate Resiliency fund. Every dollar plants a tree!