Volunteer Opportunities
Be a Park Advocate
Oregon’s Parks and forests need people to speak up on their behalf, to make sure that these special places receive the support they need. Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated about our projects and initiatives. In addition to staying informed, here are some actions you can take right now:
- Visit the parks. Responsible park visitors help make sure that parks are safe and welcoming places for everyone.
- Share your love for parks. Tell friends and family about the parks you love, and why they should be protected.
- Learn. Attend planning meetings and other events where park issues will be discussed
- Speak up. Write to the agencies managing your favorite parks and to the lawmakers in State and Local government to raise awareness about issues in any park or recreation area.
- Become an Oregon Parks Forever member. Your donations go toward preserving Oregon’s parks, as well as improvements, education, and access.
Volunteer Photographer
We always need images of parks for use in our website, social media posts, and other materials. If you have some great photos to share of places you’ve visited in Oregon, please consider sending them to us! We will gladly credit you as the photographer when we use them.
To send photos, contact us at administrator@orparksforever.org.
Volunteer Writer
Do you have an experience or activity relating to Oregon’s parks that you know about and want to share? We would love to feature your content on our website or social media channels. Send us a link, or your content ideas at administrator@orparksforever.org.
Volunteer with Oregon Parks Forever
We appreciate your interest in assisting with our mission and encourage you to sign up for email news below, or contact us for more information. Oregon Parks Forever welcomes volunteer assistance in a variety of areas. If you are interested in volunteering your services, please email us at administrator@orparksforever.org
Help Mobility Challenged Guests
Volunteers are needed in parks in Southwestern Oregon (Tou Velle, Bullards Beach, Harris Beach, Collier and Joseph Stewart State Parks) to greet guests who have reserved electric all-terrain wheelchairs, to check the equipment out and in, and to show the guest how to operate the chairs. If you are available, please contact our partner in Medford, David’s Chair.
Help Oregon State Parks
The Oregon Parks & Recreation Department offers seven basic volunteer programs listed below. These are supported by two statewide volunteer coordinators in the Salem office. For current volunteer opportunities in our state parks, please visit OPRD’s volunteer page or call 1-800-551-6949.
- Park Hosts
- Adopt-a-Park
- Annual Clean-ups
- Special Projects
- Youth VIP’s (Volunteers in Parks)
- Junior Rangers
Join a SOLVE Beach Cleanup
Every spring, nonprofit partner SOLVE coordinates cleanups at Oregon Coast beaches which are under the responsibility of the Oregon Parks & Recreation Department. Learn more by clicking here.
Help State Park Friends Groups
Friends groups also have opportunities for volunteers to help. Here are a few examples:
Tryon Creek
The Friends of Tryon Creek (FOTC) is a nonprofit organization housed in the Nature Center of Tryon Creek State Natural Area, a 650-acre green space in southwest Portland. Our mission, in partnership with Oregon State Parks, is to inspire and nurture relationships with nature in our unique urban forest. Since 1970, FOTC has provided environmental education programs for all ages through its many camps, events and workshops, and has lead restoration efforts resulting in 200 acres cleared of invasive species. Learn more about volunteer opportunities with Friends of Tryon Creek.
Silver Falls
The Friends of Silver Falls State Park is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the natural and cultural resources of Silver Falls State Park. The Friends offer many ways to get involved to support Oregon’s largest state park! Help in the Nature Store, hang out at a Discovery Table, lead guided hikes, be a trail rover, or help with special park projects. We welcome anyone with a heart for this special place and who wants to join us to help preserve its’ natural and cultural resources! Contact us for more information or to get started:
- website: friendsofsilverfalls.net
- email: kimmaley@friendsofsilverfalls.net
- phone: 503-874-0201