Dear Friend,
Our 25th anniversary year has been one for the history books. Through the pandemic and record-breaking wildfires, this year has been a memorable one…and challenging.
As an organization whose sole focus is enhancing and preserving special places and experiences in all Oregon parks, our work is more important than ever. With our new reality, so many of you look to the outdoors and Oregon’s parks, now more than ever for a chance at peace, solace, and rejuvenation.
Click the button below to learn what we are working on now.
Double Your Impact with Workplace Giving
Did you know that on average, one in 10 companies match employee donations? Maybe your employer would match your gift to Oregon Parks Forever, allowing your contribution to have twice theimpact?
Many companies provide this employee benefit and some even extend it to spouses and retirees. Ask your employer about completing a matching gift form to double or even triple the impact of your gift!
Thank you for taking the extra step to see if your gift can be matched by your employer to enhance the experience in Oregon’s beloved parks!
Please stay safe and be good to yourselves through this challenging time.

Seth Miller | Executive Director